This tutorial will explain how to create a new Puppet environment using best practices such as version control, a site-local module, and roles. It assumes the reader will be using Ubuntu. The instructions were verified with Ubuntu 12.04.
This tutorial was inspired by Chris Hoge's excellent openstack-deploy tutorial.
- Introduction
- Prep-Work
- Setting Up Version Control
- Configuring the Puppet Server with Puppet
- Committing Everything
- Conclusion
Install the PuppetLabs apt repo:
dpkg -i *.deb
rm *.deb
apt-get update
Next, install puppet
, git
, rubygems
and vim
apt-get install -y puppet git vim
The version of Puppet that will be installed will be the latest version from PuppetLabs. git
will be used for source control and vim
is installed as an editor.
Setting Up Version Control
It's a best practice to keep all the configuration management information in a version control provider such as git
. You may host the repository in a public area such as Github, but since the repository will probably contain sensitive information, it's recommended to use an internal git
server. Managing one is very easy by using gitolite.
Some people keep the entire /etc/puppet
directory in the repository. There's nothing wrong with this and if this is what you'd like to do, the following should work:
cd /etc/puppet
git init
git add auth.conf fileserver.conf puppet.conf manifests/ modules/
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin <remote repo location>
git push -u origin master
Another way of keeping all Puppet information in the repository is to create a module that will only be used for the particular Puppet environment being created. This method will be used for this tutorial. Begin by creating a module:
cd /etc/puppet/modules
puppet module generate foo-site
mv foo-site site
cd site
mkdir ext data
cd ext
touch nodes.pp site.pp
echo "import 'nodes.pp'" > site.pp
ln -s /etc/puppet/modules/site/ext/nodes.pp /etc/puppet/manifests/
ln -s /etc/puppet/modules/site/ext/site.pp /etc/puppet/manifests/
cd ..
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin <remote repo location>
The ext
directory will be used for supplemental and extra files in the environment. In this case, it's currently holding the nodes.pp
and site.pp
The site.pp
manifest has an import
statement to the nodes.pp
manifest – this is a common pattern in Puppet environments. site.pp
will also host any global Puppet settings, if any.
The nodes.pp
manifest will contain the node
Configuring the Puppet Server with Puppet
At this point,
is a pretty bare server with only a few packages installed. It has Puppet installed, but it's not really being used for anything. Now we'll begin using Puppet to configure this server.
Things begin to break when two servers with skewed times try communicating with each other. To ensure this doesn't happen, NTP will be installed and configured. First, install the puppetlabs/ntp
Puppet module:
cd /etc/puppet/modules
puppet module install puppetlabs/ntp
A Note About the Module Subcommand
The puppet
command has a built-in subcommand to install modules. It's able to find the module by looking it up at the Forge.
There are pros and cons to this. On one hand, it provides an easy way to install a module plus any other modules it depends on. On the other hand, if you install a module that has a conflicting dependency with another module, the command will break. Additionally, sometimes the version of the module hosted at the Forge is outdated. When this happens, you need to manually download the module from its designated home – usually github.
I usually clone the modules directly from Github. The puppet module
command was included in this tutorial as an example.
Keeping Track of Modules
Several modules will be installed in this environment. To keep track of what modules have been installed, I usually add them to a bash script:
cd /etc/puppet/modules/site/ext
echo "cd /etc/puppet/modules" >
echo "puppet module install puppetlabs/ntp" >>
This way, if
ever needs rebuild, this script can be run to install all required modules.
Note that there is a great project called Librarian-Puppet that can better handle module management. It will not be used in this tutorial, but I highly recommend looking into it.
Configuring NTP
Now that the puppetlabs/ntp
module is installed, it can be used to install and configure NTP on any server under Puppet control. The puppetlabs/ntp
module is a pretty simple module and rarely needs any parameters.
In the nodes.pp
file, add the following:
node '' {
class { '::ntp': }
Class or Include?
In Puppet, if the module being applied does not take any parameters, it can be applied using an include
statement. However, if parameters are required, then class
is required. While I like the succinct form of include
, I find having two forms of applying a module confusing and therefore stick to class
Roles and Profiles
There's an issue with this, though. This class will need applied to every server:
node '' {
class { '::ntp': }
node '' {
class { '::ntp': }
node '' {
class { '::ntp': }
There's a lot of repeated configuration here and it'll only get worse as more modules are applied to many of the same servers. A better way to apply modules to nodes is to use the Roles and Profiles pattern. This pattern is described here:
- Designing Puppet - Roles and Profiles
- Puppet Roles and Profiles with a Simple Module Structure (part 2)
A good role to start with is the "base" role. This role will be applied to all servers, so it's important that this role contains very generic and global settings. To start, create a new manifest called /etc/puppet/modules/site/manifests/roles/base.pp
with the following contents:
class site::roles::base {
anchor { '::site::roles::base': }
Class {
require => Anchor['::site::roles::base'],
class { '::ntp': }
The anchor
resource is a common pattern used in Puppet to contain declared classes in a parent class. Intuitively, one would expect classes defined in a parent class to be applied when the parent class is applied. However, due to a bug in Puppet, this does not happen. Instead, classes are applied outside of their parent class which can cause major issues with ordering. By configuring all classes in the parent class to require the anchor
, they are now "tied down" to the parent class.
Note that this only applies to the class
resource. All other resources are not affected by this bug.
Now this site::roles::base
role can be applied to all servers:
node '' {
class { '::site::roles::base': }
node '' {
class { '::site::roles::base': }
node '' {
class { '::site::roles::base': }
With only the ntp
module being used in site::roles::base
so far, this looks the exact same as before. To better show the usefulness of roles, create a new manifest called /etc/puppet/modules/site/manifests/base/packages.pp
with the following contents:
class site::base::packages {
$packages = ['git', 'vim']
package { $packages: ensure => latest }
Now add the following to the site::roles::base
role, before ntp
class { '::site::base::packages': }
All nodes with the site::roles::base
role will now have a standard set of packages installed.
The First Puppet Run
At this point, Puppet can be run for the first time. If all goes well, NTP will be installed and running when Puppet has finished:
puppet apply --verbose /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
Configuring the Firewall
Next, the puppetlabs/firewall
module will be used to build the basis of a deny-by-default firewall.
Install the puppetlabs/firewall
module by cloning it from github:
cd /etc/puppet/modules
git clone firewall
Also add it to the
echo git clone firewall >> /etc/puppet/modules/site/ext/
Next, create a directory called /etc/puppet/modules/site/manifests/firewall
. In this directory, two manifests callsed pre.pp
and post.pp
will be created:
# pre.pp
class site::firewall::pre {
Firewall {
require => undef,
# Default firewall rules
firewall { '000 accept all icmp':
proto => 'icmp',
action => 'accept',
firewall { '001 accept all to lo interface':
proto => 'all',
iniface => 'lo',
action => 'accept',
firewall { '002 accept related established rules':
proto => 'all',
ctstate => ['RELATED', 'ESTABLISHED'],
action => 'accept',
# post.pp
class site::firewall::post {
firewall { '999 drop all':
proto => 'all',
action => 'drop',
before => undef,
Next, add the following to the site::roles::base
role, before the base packages are applied:
Firewall {
require => Class['::site::firewall::pre'],
before => Class['::site::firewall::post'],
class { '::firewall': }
class { '::site::firewall::pre': }
class { '::site::firewall::post': }
Now all servers will have a deny-by-default firewall applied. I wouldn't recommend applying this configuration yet because you'll be locked out if you're working on this server remotely.
Hiera and the Firewall
This is a good place to introduce Hiera - a tool to store structured configuration data outside of Puppet manifests. Hiera is installed by default with the Puppet package, so installing a hiera
package is not needed. However, to utilize Hiera's merging feature, the deep_merge
gem needs to be installed:
gem install deep_merge
To configure Hiera, create /etc/puppet/modules/site/ext/hiera.yaml
with the following contents:
- yaml
- "common"
:datadir: /etc/puppet/modules/site/data
:merge_behavior: deeper
Next, link this configuration file to two locations:
ln -s /etc/puppet/modules/site/ext/hiera.yaml /etc/
ln -s /etc/puppet/modules/site/ext/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet
At the moment, the only hierarchy configured is common
. This means that Hiera will only read data from a single file: /etc/puppet/modules/site/data/common.yaml
Add the following to that file:
- ''
- ''
Add any other networks or hosts (/32
) to this list that you need.
Next, add the following to the bottom of ::site::firewall::pre
$trusted_networks = hiera_array('trusted_networks')
$trusted_networks.each |$network| {
firewall { "003 allow all traffic from ${network}":
proto => 'all',
source => $network,
action => 'accept',
This block of code will pull the list of trusted networks from Hiera, loop through them, and create a firewall rule allowing all traffic to the servers from these networks. In order to use the iteration feature (each
), add the following to /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
under the [main]
parser = future
Now the next time you apply the Puppet configuration, a deny-by-default firewall will be enabled with explicit allow rules for each trusted network you specified in Hiera.
Configuring Puppet as a Puppet Master
Up until now, the Puppet configuration has been applied by using the standalone apply
command. Stanalone mode is fine and has many uses, but requires the entire Puppet configuration (/etc/puppet
) to be available on every server running the apply
command. This section will configure
as a Puppet Master which allow other servers to use
as a central Puppet repository.
The Puppet Master service will be available on port 8140. The puppet
command is able to launch as a daemon and bind to port 8140, however, this is only recommended for testing purposes. Instead, Apache and Passenger will be used to host the Puppet daemon.
In addition, PuppetDB will also be installed and configured. It will use a PostgreSQL backend.
Required Modules
In order to set this up, a few new modules are needed. The first is the puppetlabs/apache module:
cd /etc/puppet/modules
git clone apache
echo git clone apache >> site/ext/
The next module is the puppetlabs/passenger module:
git clone passenger
echo git clone passenger >> site/ext/
The puppetlabs-opertions/puppet module will configure Puppet:
git clone puppet
echo git clone puppet >> site/ext/
The puppetlabs/puppetdb module will install and configure PuppetDB:
git clone puppetdb
echo git clone puppetdb >> site/ext/
The puppetlabs/postgresql module will install and configure PostgreSQL:
git clone postgresql
echo git clone postgresql >> site/ext/
The puppetlabs/ruby module is needed by the puppetlabs-operations/puppet
git clone ruby
echo git clone ruby >> site/ext/
The puppetlabs/concat module is needed by the puppetlabs/apache
git clone concat
echo git clone concat >> site/ext/
And finally, the puppetlabs/inifile module will assist with configuration by providing an easy way to manipulate INI files:
git clone inifile
echo git clone inifile >> site/ext/
Creating the Puppet Master Role
Similar to the site::roles::base
role, a site::roles::puppet::master
role will be created which will abstract the Puppet Master configuration into a single manifest.
Create /etc/puppet/modules/site/manifests/roles/puppet/master.pp
with the following contents:
class site::roles::puppet::master {
anchor { '::site::roles::puppet::master': }
Class {
require => Anchor['::site::roles::puppet::master']
class { '::puppet::server':
modulepath => ['$confdir/modules'],
manifest => '/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp',
servertype => 'passenger',
reports => 'puppetdb',
servername => $::fqdn,
config_version_cmd => false,
monitor_server => false,
backup_server => false,
reporturl => '',
parser => 'future',
} ->
class { '::puppet::agent':
server => hiera('puppet_server'),
method => 'service',
manage_repos => false,
} ->
class { 'puppetdb': } ->
class { 'puppetdb::master::config': }
A lot of the parameters in the ::puppet::server
class can be ignored – they're used for configuring very specific environments.
Note the use of Hiera in the ::puppet::agent
class. In common.yaml
, add the following:
puppet_server: ''
The puppetdb
classes require no parameters – the puppetlabs/puppetdb
module does a very good job at setting up PuppetDB with sane defaults.
This puppet::master
role is a much better example of roles than the original site::roles::base
role. Note the use of multiple modules as well as local site-specific configurations from the site
module. This is all rolled into one manifest that can easily be applied to a server.
Applying the Puppet Master Role
Since only
will be a Puppet Master, add it to the
node definition:
node '' {
class { '::site::roles::base': } ->
class { '::site::roles::puppet::master': }
With all of this in place, run Puppet:
puppet apply --verbose /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
You might have to run this twice. This is normal for large configuration runs or bootstrap scenarios such as this.
When everything has finished, you should now be able to switch to puppet agent
puppet agent -t --noop
Note that you will probably see Puppet trying to start or stop the built-in puppet daemon
service. This is a bug with the puppetlabs-operations/puppet
module and will probably be fixed soon.
Creating the Puppet Agent Role
With the Puppet Master role configured, a role for the Puppet Agent should be created. Create /etc/puppet/modules/site/manifests/roles/puppet/agent.pp
with the following contents:
class site::roles::puppet::agent {
class { '::puppet::agent':
server => hiera('puppet_server'),
method => 'service',
manage_repos => false,
Applying the Puppet Agent Role
Due to how the puppetlabs-operations/puppet
module is designed, the ::puppet::server
and ::puppet::agent
classes cannot be declared separately. This is why ::puppet::agent
is declared in the site::roles::puppet::master
role. Because of this, the site::roles::puppet::agent
role can't be applied to the site::roles::base
Instead, it will have to be applied to individual nodes:
node '' {
class { '::site::roles::base': } ->
class { '::site::roles::puppet::agent': }
node '' {
class { '::site::roles::base': } ->
class { '::site::roles::puppet::agent': }
Committing Everything
A lot of work has been done here. To see all of the changes that were made, do the following:
cd /etc/puppet/modules/site
git status
All of this should be commited into git
git add .
git commit -m "Created base role, puppet roles, configured hiera."
git push -u origin master
This tutorial went through the initial steps needed to create a brand new Puppet environment. It described how to lay the foundation of a scalable Puppet environment by using version control, a site-local module, and roles.
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