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Building OpenStack Environments Part 2

07 Oct 2017


In the last post, I detailed how to create an all-in-one OpenStack environment in an isolated virtual machine for the purpose of testing OpenStack-based applications.

In this post, I'll cover how to create an image from the environment. This will allow you to launch virtual machines which already have the OpenStack environment installed and running. The benefits of this approach is that it reduces the time required to build the environment as well as pins the environment to a known working version.

In addition, I'll cover how to modify the all-in-one environment so that it can be accessed remotely. This way, testing does not have to be done locally on the virtual machine.

Note: I realize the title of this series might be a misnomer. This series is is not covering how to deploy OpenStack in general, but how to set up disposable OpenStack environments for testing purposes. Blame line wrapping.

How to Generate the Image

AWS and OpenStack (and any other cloud provider) provide the ability to create an image (whether AMI, qcow, etc) from a running virtual machine. This is commonly known as "snapshotting".

The process described here will use snapshotting, but it's not that simple. OpenStack has a lot of moving pieces and some of those pieces are dependent on unique configurations of the host: the hostname, the IP address(es), etc. These items must be accounted for and configured correctly on the new virtual machine.

With this in mind, the process of generating an image is roughly:

  1. Launch a virtual machine.
  2. Install an all-in-one OpenStack environment.
  3. Remove any unique information from the OpenStack databases.
  4. Snapshot.
  5. Upon creation of a new virtual machine, ensure OpenStack knows about the new unique information.

Creating a Reusable OpenStack Image

Just like in Part 1, it's best to ensure this entire process is automated. Terraform works great to provision and deploy infrastructure, but it is not suited to provide a niche task such as snapshotting.

Fortunately, there's Packer. And even more fortunate is that Packer supports a wide array of cloud services.

If you haven't used Packer before, I recommend going through the intro before proceeding here.

In Part 1, I used AWS as the cloud being deployed to. For this part, I'll switch things up and use an OpenStack cloud.

Creating a Simple Image

To begin, you can continue using the same terraform-openstack-test directory that was used in Part 1.

First, create a new directory called packer/openstack:

$ pwd
$ mkdir -p packer/openstack
$ cd packer/openstack

Next, create a file called build.json with the following contents:

  "builders": [{
    "type": "openstack",
    "image_name": "packstack-ocata",
    "reuse_ips": true,
    "ssh_username": "centos",

    "flavor": "{{user `flavor`}}",
    "security_groups": ["{{user `secgroup`}}"],
    "source_image": "{{user `image_id`}}",
    "floating_ip_pool": "{{user `pool`}}",
    "networks": ["{{user `network_id`}}"]

I've broken the above into two sections: the top section has hard-coded values while the bottom section requires input on the command-line. This is because the values will vary between your OpenStack cloud and my OpenStack cloud.

With the above in place, run:

$ packer build \
    -var 'flavor=m1.large' \
    -var 'secgroup=AllowAll' \
    -var 'image_id=9abadd38-a33d-44c2-8356-b8b8ae184e04' \
    -var 'pool=public' \
    -var 'network_id=b0b12e8f-a695-480e-9dc2-3dc8ac2d55fd' \

Note the following: the image_id must be a CentOS 7 image and the Security Group must allow traffic from your workstation to Port 22.

This command will take some time to complete. When it has finished, it will print the UUID of a newly generated image:

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> openstack: An image was created: 53ecc829-60c0-4a87-81f4-9fc603ff2a8f

That UUID will point to an image titled "packstack-ocata".

Congratulations! You just created an image.

However, there is virtually nothing different about "packstack-ocata" and the CentOS image used to create it. All Packer did was launch a virtual machine and create a snapshot of it.

In order for Packer to make changes to the virtual machine, you must configure "provisioners" in the build.json file. Provisioners are just like Terraform's concept of provisioners: steps that will execute commands on the running virtual machine. Before you can add some provisioners to the Packer build file, you first need to generate the scripts which will be run.

Generating an Answer File

In Part 1, PackStack was used to install an all-in-one OpenStack environment. The command used was:

$ packstack --allinone

This very simple command will use a lot of sane defaults and the result will be a fully functionall all-in-one environment.

However, in order to more easily make the OpenStack environment run correctly each time a virtual machine is created, the installation needs tuned. To do this, a custom "answer file" will be used when running PackStack.

An answer file is a file which contains each configurable setting within PackStack. This file is very large with lots of options. It's not something you want to write from scratch. Instead, PackStack can generate an answer file to be used as a template.

On a CentOS 7 virtual machine, which can even be the same virtual machine you created in Part 1, run:

$ packstack --gen-answer-file=packstack-answers.txt

Copy the file to your workstation using scp or some other means. Make a directory called files to store this answer file:

$ pwd
$ mkdir packer/files
$ scp -i key/id_rsa centos@<ip>:packstack-answers.txt packer/files

Once stored locally, make the following changes:

First, locate the setting CONFIG_CONTROLLER_HOST. This setting will have the value of an IP address local to the virtual machine which generated this file:


Do a global search and replace of with

Next, use this opportunity to tune which services you want to enable for your test environment. For example:


These are all services I have personally changed the status of since either they are disabled by default and I want them enabled or they are enabled by default and I do not need them. Change the values to suit your needs.

You might notice that there are several embedded passwords and secrets in this answer file. Astute readers will realize that these passwords will all be used for every virtual machine created with this answer file. For production use, this is most definitely not secure. However, I consider this relatively safe since these OpenStack environments are temporary and only for testing.

Installing OpenStack

Next, begin building a deploy.sh script. You can re-use the deploy.sh script from Part 1 as a start, with one initial change:

  systemctl disable firewalld
  systemctl stop firewalld
  systemctl disable NetworkManager
  systemctl stop NetworkManager
  systemctl enable network
  systemctl start network

  yum install -y https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/openstack-ocata/rdo-release-ocata-3.noarch.rpm
  yum install -y centos-release-openstack-ocata
  yum-config-manager --enable openstack-ocata
  yum update -y
  yum install -y openstack-packstack
- packstack --allinone
+ packstack --answer-file /home/centos/files/packstack-answers.txt

  source /root/keystonerc_admin
  nova flavor-create m1.acctest 99 512 5 1 --ephemeral 10
  nova flavor-create m1.resize 98 512 6 1 --ephemeral 10
  _NETWORK_ID=$(openstack network show private -c id -f value)
  _SUBNET_ID=$(openstack subnet show private_subnet -c id -f value)
  _EXTGW_ID=$(openstack network show public -c id -f value)
  _IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image show cirros -c id -f value)

  echo "" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_IMAGE_NAME="cirros" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_IMAGE_ID="$_IMAGE_ID" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_NETWORK_ID=$_NETWORK_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_EXTGW_ID=$_EXTGW_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_POOL_NAME="public" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID=99 >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID_RESIZE=98 >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=default >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_TENANT_NAME=\$OS_PROJECT_NAME >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_TENANT_ID=\$OS_PROJECT_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_SHARE_NETWORK_ID="foobar" >> /root/keystonerc_admin

  echo "" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_IMAGE_NAME="cirros" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_IMAGE_ID="$_IMAGE_ID" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_NETWORK_ID=$_NETWORK_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_EXTGW_ID=$_EXTGW_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_POOL_NAME="public" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID=99 >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID_RESIZE=98 >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=default >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_TENANT_NAME=\$OS_PROJECT_NAME >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_TENANT_ID=\$OS_PROJECT_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_SHARE_NETWORK_ID="foobar" >> /root/keystonerc_demo

  yum install -y wget git
  wget -O /usr/local/bin/gimme https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travis-ci/gimme/master/gimme
  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gimme
  eval "$(/usr/local/bin/gimme 1.8)"
  export GOPATH=$HOME/go
  export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

  go get github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
  pushd ~/go/src/github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
  go get -u ./...

  cat >> /root/.bashrc <<EOF
  if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/gimme ]]; then
    eval "\$(/usr/local/bin/gimme 1.8)"
    export GOPATH=\$HOME/go
    export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOROOT/bin:\$GOPATH/bin

  gophercloudtest() {
    if [[ -n \$1 ]] && [[ -n \$2 ]]; then
      pushd  ~/go/src/github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
      go test -v -tags "fixtures acceptance" -run "\$1" github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/acceptance/openstack/\$2 | tee ~/gophercloud.log

Next, alter packer/openstack/build.json with the following:

    "builders": [{
      "type": "openstack",
      "image_name": "packstack-ocata",
      "reuse_ips": true,
      "ssh_username": "centos",

      "flavor": "{{user `flavor`}}",
      "security_groups": ["{{user `secgroup`}}"],
      "source_image": "{{user `image_id`}}",
      "floating_ip_pool": "{{user `pool`}}",
      "networks": ["{{user `network_id`}}"]
-   }]
+   }],
+   "provisioners": [
+     {
+       "type": "file",
+       "source": "../files",
+       "destination": "/home/centos/files"
+     },
+     {
+       "type": "shell",
+       "inline": [
+         "sudo bash /home/centos/files/deploy.sh"
+       ]
+     }
+   ]

There are two provisioners being created here: one which will copy the files directory to /home/centos/files and one to run the deploy.sh script.

files was created outside of the openstack directory because these files are not unique to OpenStack. You can use the same files to build images in other clouds. For example, create a packer/aws directory and create a similar build.json file for AWS.

With that in place, run… actually, don't run yet. I'll save you a step. While the current configuration will launch an instance, install an all-in-one OpenStack environment, and create a snapshot, OpenStack will not work correctly when you create a virtual machine based on that image.

In order for it to work correctly, there are some more modifications which need made to make sure OpenStack starts correctly on a new virtual machine.

Removing Unique Data

In order to remove the unique data of the OpenStack environment, add the following to deploy.sh:

+ hostnamectl set-hostname localhost
  systemctl disable firewalld
  systemctl stop firewalld
  systemctl disable NetworkManager
  systemctl stop NetworkManager
  systemctl enable network
  systemctl start network

  yum install -y https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/openstack-ocata/rdo-release-ocata-3.noarch.rpm
  yum install -y centos-release-openstack-ocata
  yum-config-manager --enable openstack-ocata
  yum update -y
  yum install -y openstack-packstack
  packstack --answer-file /home/centos/files/packstack-answers.txt

  source /root/keystonerc_admin
  nova flavor-create m1.acctest 99 512 5 1 --ephemeral 10
  nova flavor-create m1.resize 98 512 6 1 --ephemeral 10
  _NETWORK_ID=$(openstack network show private -c id -f value)
  _SUBNET_ID=$(openstack subnet show private_subnet -c id -f value)
  _EXTGW_ID=$(openstack network show public -c id -f value)
  _IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image show cirros -c id -f value)

  echo "" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_IMAGE_NAME="cirros" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_IMAGE_ID="$_IMAGE_ID" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_NETWORK_ID=$_NETWORK_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_EXTGW_ID=$_EXTGW_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_POOL_NAME="public" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID=99 >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID_RESIZE=98 >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=default >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_TENANT_NAME=\$OS_PROJECT_NAME >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_TENANT_ID=\$OS_PROJECT_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_SHARE_NETWORK_ID="foobar" >> /root/keystonerc_admin

  echo "" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_IMAGE_NAME="cirros" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_IMAGE_ID="$_IMAGE_ID" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_NETWORK_ID=$_NETWORK_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_EXTGW_ID=$_EXTGW_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_POOL_NAME="public" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID=99 >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID_RESIZE=98 >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=default >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_TENANT_NAME=\$OS_PROJECT_NAME >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_TENANT_ID=\$OS_PROJECT_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_SHARE_NETWORK_ID="foobar" >> /root/keystonerc_demo

  yum install -y wget git
  wget -O /usr/local/bin/gimme https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travis-ci/gimme/master/gimme
  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gimme
  eval "$(/usr/local/bin/gimme 1.8)"
  export GOPATH=$HOME/go
  export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

  go get github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
  pushd ~/go/src/github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
  go get -u ./...

  cat >> /root/.bashrc <<EOF
  if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/gimme ]]; then
    eval "\$(/usr/local/bin/gimme 1.8)"
    export GOPATH=\$HOME/go
    export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOROOT/bin:\$GOPATH/bin

  gophercloudtest() {
    if [[ -n \$1 ]] && [[ -n \$2 ]]; then
      pushd  ~/go/src/github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
      go test -v -tags "fixtures acceptance" -run "\$1" github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/acceptance/openstack/\$2 | tee ~/gophercloud.log
+ systemctl stop openstack-cinder-backup.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-cinder-scheduler.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-cinder-volume.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-nova-cert.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-nova-compute.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-nova-conductor.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-nova-consoleauth.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
+ systemctl stop openstack-nova-scheduler.service
+ systemctl stop neutron-dhcp-agent.service
+ systemctl stop neutron-l3-agent.service
+ systemctl stop neutron-lbaasv2-agent.service
+ systemctl stop neutron-metadata-agent.service
+ systemctl stop neutron-openvswitch-agent.service
+ systemctl stop neutron-metering-agent.service
+ mysql -e "update services set deleted_at=now(), deleted=id" cinder
+ mysql -e "update services set deleted_at=now(), deleted=id" nova
+ mysql -e "update compute_nodes set deleted_at=now(), deleted=id" nova
+ for i in $(openstack network agent list -c ID -f value); do
+   neutron agent-delete $i
+ done
+ systemctl stop httpd

The above added 3 pieces to deploy.sh: set the hostname to localhost, stop all OpenStack services, and then delete all known agents for Cinder, Nova, and Neutron.

Now, with the above in place, run… no, not yet, either.

Remember the last step outlined in the beginning of this post:

Upon creation of a new virtual machine, ensure OpenStack knows about the new unique information.

How is the new virtual machine going to configure itself with new information? One solution is to create an rc.local file and place it in the /etc directory during the Packer provisioning phase. This way, when the virtual machine launches, rc.local is triggered and acts as a post-boot script.

Adding an rc.local File

First, add the following to deploy.sh:

  hostnamectl set-hostname localhost

  systemctl disable firewalld
  systemctl stop firewalld
  systemctl disable NetworkManager
  systemctl stop NetworkManager
  systemctl enable network
  systemctl start network

  yum install -y https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/openstack-ocata/rdo-release-ocata-3.noarch.rpm
  yum install -y centos-release-openstack-ocata
  yum-config-manager --enable openstack-ocata
  yum update -y
  yum install -y openstack-packstack
  packstack --answer-file /home/centos/files/packstack-answers.txt

  source /root/keystonerc_admin
  nova flavor-create m1.acctest 99 512 5 1 --ephemeral 10
  nova flavor-create m1.resize 98 512 6 1 --ephemeral 10
  _NETWORK_ID=$(openstack network show private -c id -f value)
  _SUBNET_ID=$(openstack subnet show private_subnet -c id -f value)
  _EXTGW_ID=$(openstack network show public -c id -f value)
  _IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image show cirros -c id -f value)

  echo "" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_IMAGE_NAME="cirros" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_IMAGE_ID="$_IMAGE_ID" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_NETWORK_ID=$_NETWORK_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_EXTGW_ID=$_EXTGW_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_POOL_NAME="public" >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID=99 >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID_RESIZE=98 >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=default >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_TENANT_NAME=\$OS_PROJECT_NAME >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_TENANT_ID=\$OS_PROJECT_ID >> /root/keystonerc_admin
  echo export OS_SHARE_NETWORK_ID="foobar" >> /root/keystonerc_admin

  echo "" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_IMAGE_NAME="cirros" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_IMAGE_ID="$_IMAGE_ID" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_NETWORK_ID=$_NETWORK_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_EXTGW_ID=$_EXTGW_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_POOL_NAME="public" >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID=99 >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_FLAVOR_ID_RESIZE=98 >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=default >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_TENANT_NAME=\$OS_PROJECT_NAME >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_TENANT_ID=\$OS_PROJECT_ID >> /root/keystonerc_demo
  echo export OS_SHARE_NETWORK_ID="foobar" >> /root/keystonerc_demo

  yum install -y wget git
  wget -O /usr/local/bin/gimme https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travis-ci/gimme/master/gimme
  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gimme
  eval "$(/usr/local/bin/gimme 1.8)"
  export GOPATH=$HOME/go
  export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

  go get github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
  pushd ~/go/src/github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
  go get -u ./...

  cat >> /root/.bashrc <<EOF
  if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/gimme ]]; then
    eval "\$(/usr/local/bin/gimme 1.8)"
    export GOPATH=\$HOME/go
    export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOROOT/bin:\$GOPATH/bin

  gophercloudtest() {
    if [[ -n \$1 ]] && [[ -n \$2 ]]; then
      pushd  ~/go/src/github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud
      go test -v -tags "fixtures acceptance" -run "\$1" github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud/acceptance/openstack/\$2 | tee ~/gophercloud.log

  systemctl stop openstack-cinder-backup.service
  systemctl stop openstack-cinder-scheduler.service
  systemctl stop openstack-cinder-volume.service
  systemctl stop openstack-nova-cert.service
  systemctl stop openstack-nova-compute.service
  systemctl stop openstack-nova-conductor.service
  systemctl stop openstack-nova-consoleauth.service
  systemctl stop openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
  systemctl stop openstack-nova-scheduler.service
  systemctl stop neutron-dhcp-agent.service
  systemctl stop neutron-l3-agent.service
  systemctl stop neutron-lbaasv2-agent.service
  systemctl stop neutron-metadata-agent.service
  systemctl stop neutron-openvswitch-agent.service
  systemctl stop neutron-metering-agent.service

  mysql -e "update services set deleted_at=now(), deleted=id" cinder
  mysql -e "update services set deleted_at=now(), deleted=id" nova
  mysql -e "update compute_nodes set deleted_at=now(), deleted=id" nova
  for i in $(openstack network agent list -c ID -f value); do
    neutron agent-delete $i

  systemctl stop httpd

+ cp /home/centos/files/rc.local /etc
+ chmod +x /etc/rc.local

Next, create a file called rc.local inside the packstack/files directory:

set -x

export HOME=/root

sleep 60

systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
while [[ true ]]; do
  pgrep -f rabbit
  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
  sleep 10
  systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts

The above is pretty simple: it's simply restarting RabbitMQ and running nova-manage to re-discover itself as a compute node.

Why restart RabbitMQ? I have no idea. I've found it needs to be done for OpenStack to work correctly.

I also mentioned I'll show how to to access the OpenStack services from outside the virtual machine, so you don't have to log in to the virtual machine to run tests.

To do that, add the following to rc.local:

  set -x

  export HOME=/root

  sleep 60

+ public_ip=$(curl
+ if [[ -n $public_ip ]]; then
+   while true ; do
+     mysql -e "update endpoint set url = replace(url, '', '$public_ip')" keystone
+     if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
+       break
+     fi
+     sleep 10
+   done

+   sed -i -e "s/$public_ip/g" /root/keystonerc_demo
+   sed -i -e "s/$public_ip/g" /root/keystonerc_admin
+ fi

  systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
  while [[ true ]]; do
    pgrep -f rabbit
    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
    sleep 10
    systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

+ systemctl restart openstack-cinder-api.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-cinder-backup.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-cinder-scheduler.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-cinder-volume.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-nova-cert.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-nova-conductor.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-nova-consoleauth.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
+ systemctl restart openstack-nova-scheduler.service
+ systemctl restart neutron-dhcp-agent.service
+ systemctl restart neutron-l3-agent.service
+ systemctl restart neutron-lbaasv2-agent.service
+ systemctl restart neutron-metadata-agent.service
+ systemctl restart neutron-openvswitch-agent.service
+ systemctl restart neutron-metering-agent.service
+ systemctl restart httpd

  nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts

+ iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+ ip6tables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+ cp /root/keystonerc* /var/www/html
+ chmod 666 /var/www/html/keystonerc*

Three steps have been added above:

The first uses cloud-init to discover the virtual machine's public IP. Once the public IP is known, the endpoint table in the keystone database is updated with it. By default, PackStack sets the endpoints of the Keystone catalog to This prevents outside interaction of OpenStack. Changing it to the public IP resolves this issue.

The keystonerc_demo and keystonerc_admin files are also updated with the public IP.

Why not just set the public IP in the PackStack answer file? Because the public IP will not be known until the virtual machine launches, which is after PackStack has run. And that's why was used earlier: it's an easy placeholder to search and replace with and it will still create a working OpenStack environment if it wasn't replaced.

The second stop restarts all OpenStack services so they're aware of the new endpoints.

The third step copies the keystonerc_demo and keystonerc_admin files to /var/www/html/. This way, you can wget the files from http://public-ip/keystonerc_demo and http://public-ip/keystonerc_admin and save them to your workstation. You can then source them and begin interacting with OpenStack remotely.

Now, with all of that in place, re-run Packer:

$ pwd
$ packer build \
    -var 'flavor=m1.large' \
    -var 'secgroup=AllowAll' \
    -var 'image_id=9abadd38-a33d-44c2-8356-b8b8ae184e04' \
    -var 'pool=public' \
    -var 'network_id=b0b12e8f-a695-480e-9dc2-3dc8ac2d55fd' \

Using the Image

When the build is complete, you will have a new image called packstack-ocata that you can create a virtual machine with.

As an example, you can use Terraform to launch the image:

variable "key_name" {}
variable "network_id" {}

variable "pool" {
  default = "public"

variable "flavor" {
  default = "m1.xlarge"

data "openstack_images_image_v2" "packstack" {
  name        = "packstack-ocata"
  most_recent = true

resource "random_id" "security_group_name" {
  prefix      = "openstack_test_instance_allow_all_"
  byte_length = 8

resource "openstack_networking_floatingip_v2" "openstack_acc_tests" {
  pool = "${var.pool}"

resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "openstack_acc_tests" {
  name        = "${random_id.security_group_name.hex}"
  description = "Rules for openstack acceptance tests"

resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "openstack_acc_tests_rule_1" {
  security_group_id = "${openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.openstack_acc_tests.id}"
  direction         = "ingress"
  ethertype         = "IPv4"
  protocol          = "tcp"
  port_range_min    = 1
  port_range_max    = 65535
  remote_ip_prefix  = ""

resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "openstack_acc_tests_rule_2" {
  security_group_id = "${openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.openstack_acc_tests.id}"
  direction         = "ingress"
  ethertype         = "IPv6"
  protocol          = "tcp"
  port_range_min    = 1
  port_range_max    = 65535
  remote_ip_prefix  = "::/0"

resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "openstack_acc_tests_rule_3" {
  security_group_id = "${openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.openstack_acc_tests.id}"
  direction         = "ingress"
  ethertype         = "IPv4"
  protocol          = "udp"
  port_range_min    = 1
  port_range_max    = 65535
  remote_ip_prefix  = ""

resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "openstack_acc_tests_rule_4" {
  security_group_id = "${openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.openstack_acc_tests.id}"
  direction         = "ingress"
  ethertype         = "IPv6"
  protocol          = "udp"
  port_range_min    = 1
  port_range_max    = 65535
  remote_ip_prefix  = "::/0"

resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "openstack_acc_tests_rule_5" {
  security_group_id = "${openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.openstack_acc_tests.id}"
  direction         = "ingress"
  ethertype         = "IPv4"
  protocol          = "icmp"
  remote_ip_prefix  = ""

resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "openstack_acc_tests_rule_6" {
  security_group_id = "${openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.openstack_acc_tests.id}"
  direction         = "ingress"
  ethertype         = "IPv6"
  protocol          = "icmp"
  remote_ip_prefix  = "::/0"

resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "openstack_acc_tests" {
  name            = "openstack_acc_tests"
  image_id        = "${data.openstack_images_image_v2.packstack.id}"
  flavor_name     = "${var.flavor}"
  key_pair        = "${var.key_name}"
  security_groups = ["${openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.openstack_acc_tests.name}"]

  network {
    uuid = "${var.network_id}"

resource "openstack_compute_floatingip_associate_v2" "openstack_acc_tests" {
  instance_id = "${openstack_compute_instance_v2.openstack_acc_tests.id}"
  floating_ip = "${openstack_networking_floatingip_v2.openstack_acc_tests.address}"

resource "null_resource" "rc_files" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOF
      while true ; do
        wget http://${openstack_compute_floatingip_associate_v2.openstack_acc_tests.floating_ip}/keystonerc_demo 2> /dev/null
        if [ $? = 0 ]; then
        sleep 20

      wget http://${openstack_compute_floatingip_associate_v2.openstack_acc_tests.floating_ip}/keystonerc_admin

The above Terraform configuration will do the following:

  1. Search for the latest image titled "openstack-ocata".
  2. Create a floating IP.
  3. Create a security group with a unique name and six rules to allow all TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic.
  4. Launch an instance using the "openstack-ocata" image.
  5. Associate the floating IP to the instance.
  6. Poll the instance every 20 seconds to see if http://publicip/keystonerc_demo is available. When it is available, download it, along with keystonerc_admin.

To run this Terraform configuration, do:

$ terraform apply \
    -var "key_name=<keypair name>" \
    -var "network_id=<network uuid>" \
    -var "pool=<pool name>" \
    -var "flavor=<flavor name>"


This blog post detailed how to create a reusable image with OpenStack Ocata already installed. This allows you to create a standard testing environment in a fraction of the time that it takes to build the environment from scratch.


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