Sébastien Han posted a good article on how to use rsyslog
with OpenStack. Coincidentally, I recently configured rsyslog
for an OpenStack project and figured I'd publish my configuration, too.
Configuring rsyslog
I have three puppet manifests that I use to configure rsyslog
is simply declared in both client.pp
and server.pp
Configuring the Server
server.pp is used to configure a server to be an rsyslog
-server. To apply it, simply do:
class { 'admin::rsyslog::server': }
Although that seems simple enough, the heavy work is in the two files that the manifest uses:
- cloud-rsyslog.logrotate is a script used by
to, of course, rotate the logs. - server.conf.erb is an
configuration file that has a tremendous amount of stuff going on. I'll describe this later on.
Configuring the Client
Client configuration is just a simple as server configuration:
class { 'admin::rsyslog::client':
server => '',
OpenStack and syslog
As Sébastien described, each OpenStack component can be configured to send their logs to syslog. You can see this being done in the following manifests (search for "syslog"):
For Swift, the proxy-logging
middleware sends the logs to syslog.
Sorting and Organizing
When an OpenStack component sends a log to the rsyslog
server, the log is passed through the filters in the server.conf
file. Based on if the log is from Swift (special case), the log facility, and the hostname, the log is directed to a specific log file in a specific directory.
I have logs going into the following directories:
: all logs related tonova
from that host./var/log/rsyslog/%HOSTNAME%/glance.log
: all logs related toglance
from that host./var/log/rsyslog/%HOSTNAME%/cinder.log
: all logs related tocinder
from that host./var/log/rsyslog/%HOSTNAME%/keystone.log
: all logs related tokeystone
from that host./var/log/rsyslog/%HOSTNAME%/swift.log
: all logs related tonova
from that host./var/log/rsyslog/%HOSTNAME%/syslog.log
: all other logs from that host./var/log/rsyslog/nova.log
: all nova logs from all hosts./var/log/rsyslog/swift.log
: all swift logs from all hosts./var/log/rsyslog/cinder.log
: all cinder logs from all hosts.
provides a great deal of flexibility when it comes to logging. Puppet, as usual, comes to the rescue in making the complexities of such services manageable.
While this solution works for me, I have plans to revisit OpenStack logs in combination with logstash in the future.
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